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Downsizing Council Bluffs

If you want expert tips on downsizing in Council Bluffs, IA, this is for you. First, whether you’re an empty nester, divorcee, or filing for bankruptcy, there’s a good chance your need for a smaller home is financial or at least economic. For many seniors, it’s a chance to get out of debt and retire. It can also be a lifestyle change due to physical mobility issues requiring no stairs inside or out. Either way, I can help.

A free call allows me to start with the basics. I’ll show you what your home can sell for and estimate a budget for purchasing a smaller home. From here, we can personalize your MLS search of different types of homes in different areas to find what works for your specific needs. That being said, the first step is to start as soon as possible with clearing out the place. Give keepsakes to family and friends, throw a garage sale, and donate the rest. Only keep what will fit in the smaller home.

Council Bluffs, IA, is a suburb of Omaha, NE, with home values priced at or below the national average. RocketHomes reported a 15.5% increase in median home values year-over-year in July 2023. It went up to $242.5K. Meanwhile, Omaha’s dropped 1.8% in that same period to over $290K. That’s a difference of nearly $50K. With my help, we’ll plan every step of your success and prepare for it with a timeline that addresses every need. The end result will be your smooth transition into a relaxed life.

  • Get expert help downsizing in Council Bluffs, IA, from an experienced local real estate agent.